Marketing, Mashman Stuff, Training
Employee Advocacy and Marketing
There’s lots of chat about employee advocacy which is great for marketers as it elevates the recognition that people are massively important in the marketing mix. Certainly while you and your team might be fantastic at all aspects of the marketing mix, if you are let down by the people internal to the business or your distribution touch points, all your good work can unravel !
Marketers need to work across the organisation motivating and getting all types of staff up to speed with the customer and marketing challenges, some might call this internal marketing but its even more as you look to empower your people to live the brand and be excited about being ambassadors for it. Its going to require conscious effort and marketers need to be working with HR or those responsible for bring new people in (and moving people out) to ensure you’ve got people who can add value not just administer processes !
To imaging how good this could be for your organisation, you need only think back to inter departmental breakdowns, poor communications inside the business or in a retail sense how a waiter or waitress may have taken the positive edge of your last coffee, date, or special occasion !
Action – Do an audit of the people in your network who might have any kind of touch point with customers or critical stakeholders, start with more and improved communication, empower these people by demonstrating trust, train them where training is needed, listen to them for coal face feedback and then work on getting more like them !
Do something about the first step today.
Employee Advocacy and Social Opportunity