Smarter People

Engage us to up-skill & motivate your people in Marketing Strategy, Comms & Projects

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Smarter Decisions – marketing skills can help

People talk about marketing from a communication POV but there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes.

smart thinkingMarketing can help making smarter decisions through the conscious alignment of what the organisation needs and an understanding of which stakeholders (customers) can best help deliver on those.

People with a marketing orientation (they can be anywhere in your organisation) are on top of what challenges face the Org and are very aware of who their important stakeholders are and what’s affecting them, today.

The smarter decision comes from being proactive, empowered and understanding what fits and what’s on the fringes. When you demonstrate this in your actions, touch-points inside and outside the organisation, you build trust, gain credibility and are far more efficient. Those fringe offers, opportunities and proposals don’t take up all of your precious time. Yes, as part of your ongoing environmental scanning, you’ll have an eye out for new things, but your knowledge of the Org and your customers/stakeholders will keep you progressive, innovative and value adding.

Marketing Short Courses in 2015 for Marketers

In 2015 we’ve got a series of F2F interactive courses happening in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane  – see our training page for the the full list of 7 marketing short courses and 29 dates across the year, the first one is in Sydney 30-31 of March.

New courses include ROI & Budgets for Marketers, #MarComms101 looking at all communications options from analogue to digital and paid, earned and owned and critically, the integration of these, Project Reporting and Communication, Market Orientation plus Marketing for Smarter Decisions. Our regular strategic planning sessions and project courses including learning how to use Microsoft Project for your campaigns, events and NPD on on as well.

Here’s a short video intro – enjoy and let me know if you have any questions. Secure booking is via the calender on the right of this screen or direct to our events page on

I’ll look forward to seeing you in a course and please share this with colleagues who you think might be interested too !