
How To – Marketing Strategy Videos

How To – Marketing Strategy

These short and easy to absorb videos will help you get your head around your marketing strategy priorities in a way you can capture the relevant internal and external forces, the strategic priority of the business and target markets which will help you achieve your goals. There is 3 videos in the sequence.



Student tips – Using Microsoft Word for great assignments

Student Tips  – “How To”

The widely used Microsoft WORD (2007 – 2016 versions) have some features that can help you improve your assignment results through simpler but accurate referencing and presentation to engage your Professor and markers.

Watch and apply !

Digital Marketing Scrum – impact your digital future

Digital Marketing Scrum

Digital Marketing Scrum

It doesn’t matter if this will be your first or next Digital Marketing Plan, join us with a maximum of 7 other like-minded, non-competitive organisations and people, to workshop our Digital Marketing Plan template to build a digital marketing plan – ready for you to fine tune and present to your management.

Its called a Scrum (check out your project management terms !) because we are bringing people together for a short, sharp and productive meeting to shine a light on the digital opportunity and challenges that the organisations represented in the room are facing.

Bring your device and disconnect from work for the day, we’ll bring lots of ideas, templates and fresh resources to shape your thinking. Bounce ideas off other participants so you can get target market focused, and develop usable tools and media options to meet your goals.

These sessions are planned for Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne in December and again in January 2016 as a back to work motivator !

See our work and join the conversation with the #igetdigital hashtag – empower your digital future.

Click here: Tickets, Times and Dates – Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne

The Need For Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing is all around us, specifically the tools for Digital Marketing impact our lives daily through many of the devices we carry and through old school media asking us to follow or like !

From August 18th in conjunction with Charles Sturt University and ITMasters Digital MarketingI’m running a 5 week free online course with 4 live sessions to decode digital and discuss how you need to be thinking about digital as part of your customer communication strategy, given that if you are not, your competitors probably are !

We’ll discuss what the tools for digital are and how to use them to interact with your consumers across a range of digital devices including wearables to develop a workable digital marketing plan. We’ll also discuss integration of digital and analogue media so you can reach customers (B2B or B2C) across their media day.

You need to enroll to access the live and recorded content and any other resources we make available, sign up @

Andrews Awesome Marketing Intervention ?

If you are looking for us on You’ll find us @ Andrews Awesome Marketing Intervention in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Why ? I reckon marketing is an intervention – stop check, learn a few things and change behaviors – all for good ! I Hope you’ll find our 1 and 2 day courses fun, informative, relevant and interactive, plus you’ll meet some other nice, like minded people !

Checkins and Likes appreciated !

Andrews Awesome Marketing Intervention

Employee Advocacy and Marketing

There’s lots of chat about employee advocacy which is great for marketers as it elevates the recognition that people are massively important in the marketing mix. Certainly while you and your team might be fantastic at all aspects of the marketing mix, if you are let down by the people internal to the business or your distribution touch points, all your good work can unravel !

Marketers need to work across the organisation motivating and getting all types of staff up to speed with the customer and marketing challenges, some might call this internal marketing but its even more as you look to empower your people to live the brand and be excited about being ambassadors for it. Its going to require conscious effort and marketers need to be working with HR or those responsible for bring new people in (and moving people out) to ensure you’ve got people who can add value not just administer processes !

To imaging how good this could be for your organisation, you need only think back to inter departmental breakdowns, poor communications inside the business or in a retail sense how a waiter or waitress may have taken the positive edge of your last coffee, date, or special occasion !

Action – Do an audit of the people in your network who might have any kind of touch point with customers or critical stakeholders, start with more and improved communication, empower these people by demonstrating trust, train them where training is needed, listen to them for coal face feedback and then work on getting more like them !

Do something about the first step today.


Employee Advocacy and Social Opportunity


Getting Smarter in 2015

The new training and facilitation calender will be out shortly, our specialist face to face short courses are the quickest way to help you make smarter decisions in marketing. In every course we work hard to understand the particular issues facing those in the room and then provide context around applying marketing templates, theories and strategies around those circumstances.

Our courses are also geared to giving you a set of underpinning values which assist you making better decisions when confronted with a new customer problem, a new promotional opportunity or an internal business issue which marketing can have a positive impact on. At the end of the day we think we can connect the dots faster for you to be more productive and innovative sooner.

As with courses run through CSU ( ) and AMI ( ) we are available pre and post course to consult on anything arising from the course material. In 2015 we’ll be offering a “Take Out” pdf or slideshow that you can take back to your workplace and run the team through material discussed so your best intentions can live out in your organisation !

This we’ll be training in Sydney Melbourne and Brisbane at a minimum and if you’ve got a custom job we’ll come to you or if you have a group from an association or particular business interest we can customise a fun interactive and informative workshop just for you in your space !

Thanks Andrew