Atlassian Values – easy to grasp and empowering
When I picked up this graphic from the #atlassian IPO docs, I was inspired as to the potential of organisations in the current environment, when, if you work for a large traditional organisation, its likely to be all about policy, procedure, restructure/ re-engineering and a narrow funnel to the perceived best positions in the organisation !
While we could go on about that, everyone is far more interested in today and the future. Atlassian, Tesla, Uber and airbnb are all great examples of what customer understanding and clarity around organisational purpose, brings to all stakeholders.
This is the core purpose of strategic marketing and I doubt that these organisations have paid specific attention to marketing, but instead it has been ingrained across their growing organisational worlds, from the start up, its everywhere ! Other great examples of this philosophy include Richard Bransons’ Virgin businesses and Anita Roddicks’ Bodyshop.
All have a vision, clearly communicated, all look to leverage resources (owned or not) in unique and innovative ways, all have transparency with customers through staff blogs, apps with usable rating / engagement tools, all are doing cool customer engaging service/product upgrades/experiences as part of the deal, and all have a lack of respect for the status quo.
I don’t work for these organisations, but I’m already intrigued and while it wont be for everyone, I’ll bet they get the best people for their mission through the door. This further disadvantages those other organisations who talk a big game but are caught up in unclear priorities and lack of customer focus.
I don’t think this exciting world is out of reach for any organisation, but you have to give up some traditions and look to your customers and understand their needs and what value you could possibly represent for them. You also have to empower your people to contribute to the customer journey in a transparent way. In every organisation I’ve worked in or consulted with, there has been a massive capability for unique problem solving solutions internally but its rarely tapped – unleash the good work your brand has already achieved ! The digital environment is a major facilitator of these opportunities and its very cost effective and scale-able, so there’s no excuse for not to be part of this rewarding way to do business !
Finally as an owner or manager, quoting Atlassian “be the change you seek”.